The body is the container of our intelligence, self-consciousness and memories. We should have a few doubts about it. But ancient and recent literature see the human body also as the container of our Soul, Mind and Spirit. These are not just names but atom-level textures or ethereal bodies with their consciousness living within our containers.
For some scholars and traditions, this consciousness can be hosted simultaneously in different containers or, at least, can be transferred from one container to another using methods based on frequencies and vibrations.
Finally, depending on the source, many agree that not all beings, including humans, have all those components in their containers.
We list different sources of knowledge, from ancient texts, yogi and ufology, that use other angles to describe the same things. So you can understand the subject and decide whether to investigate further.
Regardless of everyone’s perception of what those resources describe, it’s clear the body is the container of something important. And this also makes our bodies important.
But our container, as much as each container on Earth, is the first mistery of creation. It’s the first gift from the universe. It’s the raw material from which you could build something close to perfection.
Regardless of our intelligence and what our bodies include, the container itself is important simply for its existence.
In the world of matter, animals, plants, or whatever is on earth have their container.
Usually, from our container, we can determine our species. And we should not underestimate plants.
Many studies and research show how plants are as highly conscious as humans.
ScientistScientists have estimated that there are around 8.7 million species of plants and animals in existence. However, only about 1.2 million species, most of which are insects, have been identified and described. This means that millions of other organisms remain a complete mystery.s have estimated that there are around 8.7 million species of plants and animals in existence. However, only about 1.2 million species, most of which are insects, have been identified and described. This means that millions of other organisms remain a complete mystery.
Our containers are not important just for their content but also for their biodiversity.
There are millions of containers on Earth, and despite within the same species we share the core features, every container is unique and well described by its DNA.
Regarding humans, which chromosome from each of the 23 homologous pairs of both parents is inherited is a matter of chance.
There are 8,324,608 possible combinations of 23 chromosome pairs.
As a result, two gametes virtually never have exactly the same combination of chromosomes. Each chromosome contains dozens to thousands of different genes. The total possible combination of alleles for those genes in humans is approximately 70,368,744,177,664. This is trillions of times more combinations than the number of people who have ever lived.
As mentioned before, because each DNA is unique, each container is unique, so your container is important for its unicity, also referred to as biodiversity.
Finally, before closing this introduction, we would like to point out the potential of our containers.
According to several scholars, ancient texts, including the Bible, have been mistranslated to allow our rulers to implement different civilisation models throughout the planet.
These theories trace their origins to the ancient astronaut’s theories, and one famous researcher is Zechariea Sitchin, born to a Jewish family, raised in mandatory Palestine and graduated in London.
The main argument of its research is that the Gods of Sumerian texts were beings from other planets (Announaki) with advanced technology and advanced knowledge, capable of editing human DNA to create workers or using them for administrative roles.
This is supported by the fact that 2016 Kazem Finjan, the Iraqi Minister of Transport, claimed at a press conference that Sumerians had built and used an airport in the Dhi Qar Governorate to launch spaceships 5000 years ago. He cited the work of Sitchin and others to support his assertion.
Other than the Sitchin fantastic experience and work, in the past 20 years, several scholars offered a similar context of the Bible and other ancient civilisations like Atlantis.
Graham Hancock contends that tens of thousands of years before ancient Mesopotamia, Babylonia, and Egypt (that is, deep in the last ice age), there existed an even more glorious civilisation — Plato called it Atlantis — that was so thoroughly wiped out by a series of comet strikes around 12,000 years ago that nearly all evidence of its existence vanished, leaving only the faintest of traces that he thinks include a cryptic warning that such a celestial catastrophe could happen to us.
Indeed, about the Bible, according to Mauro Biglino and Paul Wallis, the term “Elohim” refers to advanced beings from outer space, and it does not indicate the name of God.
They did show how the Bible is a collection of stories about Israel and their Elohim, and it has nothing to do with the omnipresent God of the bible promoted by most of the Priests.
They also provide a method to verify these amendments by ourselves. They suggest reading the Bible without translating 5-10 terms (including Elohim, Kavod, and others).
By not translating those words, we’ll get a context entirely different from what we already know. And with little effort, we could understand what those words mean.
According to these scholars, these Elohim were a kind of military force who came here to instruct us. They taught us where to poo and how to behave with our companions and provided the basics of finance as we know it today.
Some of them also loved Human women and contributed drastically to the formation of our civilisation.
According to these authors, these Elohim lived much longer than we did, exactly as much as the first Adamites (humans). They edited our DNA to make our containers aging so we could understand the difference between Father and Son as much as Mother and Daugther.
But, according to these studies and theories, our human containers could potentially last more than 120 years.
We could include all these studies in the “ancient astronauts” theories niche. Anyway, despite each scholar studying different periods of human history, their studies draw very similar conclusions.
Some situations, like Jesus Christ and the great flood, have happened repeatedly in the history of humankind.
And there are many archaeologists, researchers, and scholars all over the world who confirm those concepts at least partly.
Also, suppose you feel extraterrestrial intelligent species are abstract or fantasy. In that case, we suggest you take some time to see documentaries about UFOs showing how they prevented nuclear attacks in our previous wars, news claiming murder, abductions and interventions both with negative and cheerful tones, and especially the last coming out from US officials in Capitol Hill.
So, we certainly do not know the potential of our containers, and we especially need to understand how to use this potential. – Congress holds hearing on UFOs after whistleblowers claim government kept information secret – Witnesses Frightened For Their Lives – Alien Remains Come in a ‘Variety’ of Shapes and Sizes – UFO preventing nuclear war
We made an introduction a bit long with the only purpose of giving a context to what someone calls a “container”, which is our human body.
We pointed out how the body is significant because it may contain something important, but it’s also important because the container has its meaning and mysteries.
It’s important because of the biodiversity factor.
And finally, its potential is unlimited because its characteristics are editable thanks to its DNA and RNA.
Although we can get some hints from ancient texts and regressive hypnosis, we must admit that today’s knowledge does not allow us to truly understand its potential.
Now that we have realised what a container is and that our body is not just flesh and bones, we explore the requirements of our container. After a brief introduction, we see how we can energise it with minimal economic efforts.
This is very important because everything in the Universe is energy and vibration. Although we may have opposite perceptions of reality, harmonising our container vibrations is the first step to creating a more perfect and sustainable community.
The world looks great when we feel energised and enjoy breathing and smiling easily at people.
Usually, we get a bit excited, too.
On the contrary, when we feel low energy levels, we want to rest alone and escape society.
Even at the same age, humans do not have the same energies.
It’s the Jing element of the Eastern tradition, also referred to as Kidney essence; it can be summarised in two parts: the Yin, being congenital or prenatal, and the Yang, being postnatal or acquired.
Something in the open is that children have more energy than adults.
Children have more energy during physical activities and can recover faster than most adults, a new study finds. If you think running after your child is a workout in itself, you’re not alone. Children have greater energy levels than well-trained adult endurance athletes, a recent study found.”
“Unlike adults, kids are able to use more of their aerobic metabolism, which allows them to be less tired from high-intensity exercise. Their muscles also recover faster, because their bodies don’t produce as much lactic acid as adults. You might remember your younger self being quite energetic.”
Each animal, including humans, requires energy; we get energy mainly from food, and our body transforms it into spendable energy for daily tasks.
Usually, each living being requires a certain amount of energy according to its body size, body age and brain activity, but other characteristics influence this process.
Let’s dig quickly into it, analysing the animal bioenergetics world.
“No energy system is one hundred percent efficient, and an animal’s metabolism produces waste energy in the form of heat. If an animal can conserve that heat and maintain a relatively constant body temperature, it is classified as a warm-blooded animal and called an endotherm. The insulation used to conserve the body heat comes in the forms of fur, fat, or feathers. The absence of insulation in ectothermic animals increases their dependence on the environment for body heat.
The amount of energy expended by an animal over a specific time is called its metabolic rate.
Metabolic rate is estimated as the basal metabolic rate (BMR) in endothermic animals at rest and as the standard metabolic rate (SMR) in ectotherms.
Human males have a BMR of 1600 to 1800 kcal/day, and human females have a BMR of 1300 to 1500 kcal/day. Even with insulation, endothermal animals require extensive amounts of energy to maintain a constant body temperature. An ectotherm such as an alligator has an SMR of 60 kcal/day.”
So, body size, age and activity, brain activity, endothermic vs ectothermic energy systems and the external environment are the main factors that influence the energy requirements and, thus, the energy requirements of each individual.
Finally, there are specific situations where energy requirements/production spikes.
For example, pregnancy and beliefs.
The production of babies requires approximately 80.000 calories more during the whole pregnancy.
When you believe “something”, you know it’s going to happen, and you put effort into creating that environment, you will direct more energy towards that “something”.
“One of the most fundamental ways that the mind is used to direct our energy is simply through developing awareness. Once we have even a little awareness of our energy, we are able to tune into that and use our mind to direct the functions of our body to create more of what we sense.”
It relates to the electromagnetic waves we develop within our minds and hearts. Our mind is the electric field. Our heart is the magnetic field.
“As an electromagnetic wave moves, its electric and magnetic fields encounter objects. These vibrating fields can exert forces on charged particles and magnetic materials, causing them to move.”
Energising your Container
Now that we know more about our energy requirements and our ability to use them, we provide some directions on how to energise our containers with minimal economic costs so that you can utilise your energy to make your dreams real.
Plenty of formulas exist, but to energise our container, we would focus mainly on 5 points:
It’s essential to know when you are fueling but poisoning your container and when you are fueling it only.
Some kinds of foods give you energy, but they are not suitable for your body, and you should consume this kind of food only a few times a week. Indeed, there is food you can enjoy every day.
An essential tool in the Western tradition is the food pyramid.
The food pyramid evolved along the years. So you should keep an eye on it from time to time.
For example the role of meat in the pyramid lost many positions in the past years, today, red meat is considered carcinogenic.
This pyramid is very easy to learn, and you can consequently arrange our diet.
On the other hand, we know this tool provides only a broad direction in dealing with food.
Some people may have deficiencies in specific organs and cannot use the pyramid properly.
For this reason, we integrate this tool with the Eastern tradition. In Chinese Medicine, each organ is assigned a colour, so we must choose food of the same colour to benefit one specific organ.
If you have a faulty stomach or reflux problem, the recommended vegetables at the base of the food pyramid may create issues for you. Potato and yellow food may help you to address the issue.
Finally, we end this paragraph talking about vitamins, the most essential nutrients for energising your container.
Vitamins from fruit are the best ones. The sun’s energy, phytochemicals, and fibre in fruit cannot be found in supplements and multivitamins. Whenever you eat fruit, you consume the sunlight, too. – Vitamins and Minerals for Energy, Fatigue and Cognition: A Narrative Review of the Biochemical and Clinical Evidence
From the tab, you see a list of vitamins and minerals, and you can note that vitamins C and E have a high upper limit daily intake, 2000mg and 1000mg, respectively. Those vitamins are essential for your well-being and can be found quickly and cheaply.
Vitamin C can be found in Kiwi. Most of the vitamin C is in the kiwi skin, not the pulp. Most people do not eat it because it’s hairy, but you should.
Before eating it, you must purify the skin from chemicals and leave the kiwi in a glass of water with two teaspoons of bicarbonates for 5-10 minutes. – Understanding the Therapeutic Potential of Ascorbic Acid in the Battle to Overcome Cancer – Old Things New View: Ascorbic Acid Protects the Brain in Neurodegenerative Disorders
Vitamin E can be found in plant oil. It’s easy to find rapeseed oil cold extracted at the superstore. – The Role of Vitamin E in Human Health and Some Diseases
Everything is about what you get used to; if you eat junk food first, you will leave no space for fruit and other essential nutrients. It’s best to take fruit and valuable food first, during the morning or early afternoon.
It would be best to take care of fast vs. slow-digestive food, avoid mixing things up, and always take care of the calorie intake concerning the average calorie requirement of your day. If you eat more, you’ll probably have trouble sleeping.
Nutrition &Addictions
When food becomes a craving that’s close to addiction, we should be able to set our minds to take a break from it.
Legal addictions are mainly related to Alcohol, Smoking, Coffee, Sugared food and Salted food.
Illegal addictions are common drugs like Cannabis, Cocaine, Eroine and MDMA.
Legal Addictions
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a wide range of health problems, including liver disease, heart disease, stroke, and various types of cancer. It can also weaken the immune system and impair mental and physical functioning.
The problem with Alcohol is the fact that when you drink wine, beer or whatever alcoholic drink, it’s super easy to crave it daily and get used to it.
If you are genuinely aware of the dangers and of its addiction power, you should set your mind to prevent the situation where you become addicted to it.
Some people are less prone to becoming addicted, and others are more prone to it. If you know yourself, it’s easy to understand if you need to avoid it entirely or if it’s OK to take a drink from time to time.
Smoking is considered an addiction due to the presence of nicotine in cigarettes. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, in the brain. When nicotine is ingested through smoking, it quickly reaches the brain and increases dopamine levels, creating a sense of pleasure and relaxation.
Over time, the brain becomes accustomed to this increased level of dopamine and adjusts its functioning accordingly. This leads to a tolerance build-up, where smokers need to smoke more frequently or inhale deeply to achieve the same desired effect.
The brain also becomes dependent on nicotine, resulting in withdrawal symptoms when the smoker tries to quit.
The dangers of cigarette smoking are numerous and well-documented. Here are some key risks:
1. Health issues: Smoking is a leading cause of preventable diseases and premature death. It is linked to various health problems, including lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease, stroke, respiratory infections, and multiple types of cancers (throat, mouth, bladder, etc.). It can also worsen existing conditions such as asthma.
2. Respiratory damage: Smoking damages the lungs and airways, leading to reduced lung function, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes irritate and inflame the lining of the respiratory system, causing coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
3. Cardiovascular complications: Smoking significantly increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including coronary artery disease, heart attacks, and strokes. The chemicals in tobacco smoke contribute to the narrowing and hardening of blood vessels, which restricts blood flow and oxygen delivery to vital organs.
4. Pregnancy complications: Pregnant women who smoke expose their unborn babies to harmful toxins. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and developmental issues for the child.
5. Secondhand smoke: Not only does smoking harm the smoker, but it also endangers those around them. Secondhand smoke contains many of the same harmful chemicals as directly inhaled smoke, putting nonsmokers at risk for various health problems, including lung cancer and heart disease.
6. Addiction and dependence: Smoking is highly addictive, making it difficult for smokers to quit even when they are aware of the risks. The physical and psychological dependence on nicotine can lead to continued smoking despite adverse consequences.
It is important to note that quitting smoking can greatly reduce these risks. Seeking support from healthcare professionals, using nicotine replacement therapies, and joining support groups can all contribute to successful smoking cessation.
Coffee can be considered an addiction for several reasons:
1. Physical dependence: Regular consumption of coffee leads to the development of physical dependence on caffeine. When a person stops consuming coffee or reduces their intake, they may experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.
2. Tolerance: With regular coffee consumption, the body becomes tolerant to the effects of caffeine. This means that over time, people need to consume more coffee to achieve the same level of alertness or energy boost they initially experienced. This cycle of increasing consumption can lead to addiction.
3. Psychological dependence: Coffee is often associated with certain rituals or habits, such as starting the day with a cup of coffee or using it to stay focused during work. These psychological associations can create a dependency on coffee to feel a sense of normalcy or comfort, making it difficult to quit or cut back.
4. Reward mechanism: Consuming coffee triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, which produces feelings of pleasure and reward. This reinforces the behavior of drinking coffee, making it more likely for individuals to continue consuming it and potentially leading to addiction.
5. Negative consequences: Despite its popularity and widespread consumption, excessive coffee consumption can have negative health effects such as increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, digestive issues, insomnia, and restlessness. Despite these potential risks, individuals addicted to coffee may continue to consume it despite the negative consequences.
It is important to note that not everyone who drinks coffee will become addicted, as individual susceptibility varies.
Sugared food can be considered an addiction due to several reasons:
1. Sugar activates the brain’s reward system: Consuming sugar stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This activation of the brain’s reward system can lead to cravings and an increased desire for sugary foods.
2. Tolerance and withdrawal symptoms: Over time, repeated consumption of sugary foods can lead to a tolerance effect, where more sugar is needed to achieve the same pleasurable response. Additionally, sudden reduction or elimination of sugar intake can result in withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, irritability, mood swings, and fatigue.
3. Neurological changes: Studies have shown that excessive sugar consumption can cause changes in brain chemistry and function. These changes can lead to a dysregulation of the brain’s reward system, making individuals more susceptible to developing an addiction-like response to sugar.
4. Behavioral patterns: People may develop certain behavioral patterns around sugary foods, such as using them as a coping mechanism for stress or emotional issues. This reliance on sugar to regulate emotions or provide comfort resembles addictive behaviors.
5. Similarities with drug addiction: Research has found that sugar can activate similar brain regions and pathways as drugs of abuse. In animal studies, sugar has been shown to produce addictive-like behaviors and cravings comparable to those seen in drug addiction.
It is important to note that while sugar can exhibit addictive qualities, not everyone who consumes sugary foods will develop an addiction. The susceptibility to sugar addiction can vary between individuals based on factors like genetics, environment, and personal habits.
Sugared food
Salted food can be considered an addiction too. Just like any other addictive substance or behavior, consuming salted food can create a strong craving and a compulsive desire to continue eating it.
Excessive consumption of salty foods can lead to health issues such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems, further reinforcing the addictive nature of this behavior. The susceptibility to salt addiction can vary between individuals based on factors like genetics, environment, and personal habits.
Salted food
Illegal Addictions
Cannabis addiction, also known as cannabis use disorder or marijuana addiction, is a condition characterized by the compulsive and problematic use of cannabis. Despite popular belief that cannabis is not addictive, research has shown that some individuals can develop a dependence on it.
Regular cannabis use can lead to tolerance, where larger doses become necessary to achieve the desired effects. When an individual tries to quit or reduce their cannabis use, they may experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite, anxiety, and cravings. These symptoms can make it difficult for someone to quit or cut back on their cannabis consumption.
Natural cannabis refers to the plant itself, also known as marijuana or weed, which contains a variety of chemical compounds called cannabinoids. The two primary cannabinoids found in cannabis are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is responsible for the psychoactive effects or “high” that people associate with cannabis, while CBD has non-intoxicating properties and is linked to potential therapeutic benefits.
Chemical cannabis, on the other hand, typically refers to synthetic cannabinoids or designer drugs. These are laboratory-produced compounds that mimic the effects of natural cannabinoids but are manufactured with slight chemical variations to avoid legal regulations. Synthetic cannabinoids are often sprayed onto plant material and marketed as herbal incense or “fake weed.” Examples of synthetic cannabinoids include Spice and K2.
The key difference between natural and chemical cannabis lies in their composition and effects. Natural cannabis contains a complex mixture of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds that interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system. Chemical cannabis, being synthetic, is designed to mimic certain effects of natural cannabinoids but may have unpredictable and potentially dangerous consequences.
While natural cannabis has been used for medicinal and recreational purposes for centuries, chemical cannabis carries higher risks due to its unknown potency, potential toxic effects, and limited understanding of long-term health consequences.
Additionally, synthetic cannabinoids are more likely to cause severe adverse reactions, including hallucinations, paranoia, seizures, and even death, compared to natural cannabis.
It is crucial to exercise caution when consuming any form of cannabis and to obtain it from legal and regulated sources to ensure quality, safety, and reliability.
Cocaine addiction is a serious and dangerous condition that can have severe consequences for both physical and mental health. Here are some of the dangers associated with cocaine addiction:
1. Health risks: Cocaine abuse can have detrimental effects on various organ systems in the body. It can lead to heart problems, including irregular heart rhythms, heart attacks, and even sudden cardiac death. Cocaine use can also lead to respiratory issues, brain damage, seizures, and strokes.
2. Psychological effects: Cocaine addiction can cause numerous psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, paranoia, hallucinations, mood swings, and aggression. Prolonged use can also lead to cognitive impairments, memory loss, and difficulty with decision-making.
3. Social and relationship problems: Addiction to cocaine often damages personal relationships, leading to conflicts, isolation, and strained interactions with friends, family, and loved ones. The need to obtain and use drugs can overshadow other aspects of life, resulting in neglect of responsibilities at work or school.
4. Financial struggles: Cocaine addiction can be an expensive habit to maintain, leading individuals to spend significant amounts of money to acquire the drug. This can result in financial instability, debt, and potential involvement in illegal activities to support the addiction.
When it comes to how cocaine is cut, illicit drug dealers often adulterate or “cut” the drug to increase their profits by diluting it with cheaper substances.
Commonly used cutting agents include:
1. Local anesthetics: Substances like lidocaine or benzocaine may be added as they produce a numbing effect similar to cocaine, giving users the impression of higher purity.
2. Stimulants: Mixing cocaine with other stimulant drugs like amphetamines or caffeine can enhance the overall stimulant effect, potentially leading to a more intense high.
3. Inert substances: Dealers may mix cocaine with inert substances like powdered sugars, talc, or baking soda to bulk up the product without adding any significant psychoactive effects.
4. Harmful additives: Some cutting agents can be hazardous to health. For instance, levamisole, a veterinary deworming agent, has been found in cocaine samples and can cause severe adverse reactions including infections, blood disorders, and damage to the immune system.
It is important to note that the exact composition of adulterants may vary depending on different geographical regions and individual drug dealers. These added substances can further increase the risks associated with cocaine use and contribute to various health complications.
Heroin addiction is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. The dangers associated with heroin addiction include:
1. Overdose: The risk of overdose is high with heroin use. It can depress the central nervous system, leading to respiratory depression, which can be fatal.
2. Infectious diseases: Sharing needles or other injection equipment increases the risk of acquiring blood-borne infections such as HIV and hepatitis B and C.
3. Physical health issues: Long-term heroin use can cause various health problems like collapsed veins, heart infections, liver or kidney disease, and lung complications.
4. Mental health disorders: Chronic heroin use is often linked to mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and personality disorders.
5. Social and legal consequences: Addiction to heroin can lead to strained relationships, loss of employment, financial difficulties, and involvement in criminal activities.
Some of the substances used to dilute heroin include:
1. Inert powders: Dealers may mix heroin with substances like talcum powder, sugar, or starch to stretch the quantity and increase profits.
2. Other drugs: Heroin can be mixed with other drugs like fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, which significantly increases the risk of overdose.
3. Harmful additives: Heroin can also be cut with dangerous substances such as laundry detergent, rat poison, or baking soda, which can have detrimental effects on the body.
The practice of cutting heroin presents additional risks to users since they are unaware of the exact purity or composition of the drug they are consuming. This lack of consistency and knowledge increases the chances of experiencing adverse effects or overdosing.
MDMA, also known as ecstasy or molly, is a psychoactive drug that can lead to addiction and various dangers when abused. Here are some of the risks associated with MDMA addiction:
1. Physical health risks: Prolonged use of MDMA can have detrimental effects on physical health. It can cause increased heart rate, high blood pressure, dehydration, hyperthermia (elevated body temperature), muscle breakdown, and kidney failure.
2. Mental health risks: MDMA affects brain chemicals such as serotonin, which plays a crucial role in regulating mood. Continuous MDMA use can lead to imbalances in serotonin levels, resulting in depression, anxiety, memory problems, sleep issues, and even long-term cognitive impairments.
3. Dependence and addiction: While MDMA may not be as physically addictive as drugs like opioids, it can still lead to psychological dependence. Frequent use can result in cravings, difficulties in controlling use, and an inability to stop using despite negative consequences.
4. Impure substances: Illicit MDMA is often cut or adulterated with other substances to increase profits. These cutting agents can pose additional risks to users’ health. Common cutting agents include substances like caffeine, amphetamines, ketamine, cocaine, or even more dangerous drugs like synthetic cathinones (“bath salts”) or synthetic opioids.
5. Unknown dosage and purity: When purchasing MDMA from illicit sources, there is no guarantee of the drug’s potency, purity, or dosage. This uncertainty increases the risk of overdosing or experiencing adverse reactions due to unexpectedly strong doses.
6. Drug interactions: MDMA can interact negatively with other substances, including alcohol, prescription medications, or recreational drugs. Mixing MDMA with other substances can amplify the risks and potentially lead to severe health complications.
It’s important to remember that MDMA abuse and addiction can have serious consequences for both physical and mental well-being. Seeking professional help from healthcare providers or addiction specialists is crucial for individuals struggling with MDMA addiction.
One of the potential risks associated with MDMA use is neurotoxicity, which refers to damage to nerve cells in the brain. Studies have shown that MDMA can cause a loss of serotonin-producing neurons, which are important for regulating mood, sleep, appetite, and other bodily functions. This depletion of serotonin can result in long-lasting changes in mood, cognition, and behavior.
Furthermore, chronic use of MDMA has been linked to memory problems and cognitive deficits. Research suggests that regular MDMA users may experience difficulties with attention, learning, and decision-making. It’s worth noting that these impairments can persist even after individuals stop using the drug.
In addition to its impact on the brain, MDMA can also have adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. It can increase heart rate and blood pressure, which may pose a risk, particularly for those with pre-existing heart conditions. Over time, this strain on the cardiovascular system can lead to cardiovascular damage or even heart failure.
Moreover, MDMA abuse is associated with a range of psychological issues. Some individuals may experience depression, anxiety, or panic attacks as a result of MDMA use. These mental health problems can persist even after discontinuing the drug.
It’s important to note that the extent of permanent damage caused by MDMA can vary from person to person, depending on factors such as frequency and duration of use, dosage, individual susceptibility, and overall health. However, it is clear that chronic MDMA use can have significant long-term consequences on both physical and mental well-being.
To minimise the potential risks and permanent damages associated with MDMA use, it is advisable to avoid the drug altogether or use it only in moderation.
If you or someone you know is struggling with MDMA abuse, seeking help from a healthcare professional or substance abuse counselor is recommended.
It’s useless to say that the mentioned illegal addictions are poison to your container. Salted and sugared food must also be consumed carefully.
It’s not about ethics or social matters. The main choice is between poisoning your container and fueling it first.
Because you are the creator of your universe and everything is in your mind, once you know your container is a unique piece of art, if you love life, there is only one choice: taking care of it.
BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate
It’s good to comprehend and use the BMR to understand how to manipulate your metabolism in your favour.
BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate. It represents the number of calories your body needs to function at rest, i.e., the amount of energy you require to perform basic bodily functions such as breathing, circulating blood, regulating body temperature, and maintaining organ functionality.
BMR is essential because it accounts for the majority (around 60-75%) of the total calorie expenditure in most individuals.
Knowing your BMR helps you accurately determine your daily calorie needs, which is crucial for weight management, whether you want to lose, maintain, or gain weight.
We believe losing or gaining weight is not truly important.
It’s more important to understand how you increase and decrease your BMR because it implies that you understand that the most important thing for your container is to do physical exercise.
This will allow you to understand which activities match the perfect BMR and spend your time accordingly.
“Metabolism refers to the chemical processes that occur within an organism to maintain life. It involves a series of biochemical reactions that convert food into energy and provide the necessary substances for growth, repair, and reproduction.
Metabolism includes two main processes: catabolism, which breaks down molecules to release energy, and anabolism, which synthesises molecules to create new cellular components.
The rate of metabolism varies among individuals and can be influenced by factors such as age, sex, genetics, muscle mass, activity level, and hormone levels.
Your metabolism constantly provides your body with energy for essential body functions like breathing and digestion.
Metabolism is inefficient and produces heat. Endotherms use metabolic heat to keep a stable body temperature, while ectotherms do not.
An animal’s “baseline” metabolic rate is measured as the basal metabolic rate (BMR) for an endotherm or as the standard metabolic rate (SMR) for an ectotherm.
Among endotherms, smaller animals tend to have higher per-gram basal metabolic rates (a “hotter” metabolism) than larger animals. The same is true among ectotherms, though we can’t compare between the groups.
Metabolic rate varies with activity level. More active animals have a higher metabolic rate than less active animals.”
Why it's essential to keep your BMR High
The charts provide the most immediate answer. Like children 0-20, young people have a much higher BMR.
At the same, older people with a higher BMR die with a lower probability.
A high BMR means you require and transform more energy. Usually, your container is more active and energised.
Why it's important to keep your BMR Low
BMR represents the calories your body needs to maintain basic bodily functions at rest. By lowering your BMR, you are effectively reducing the calories your body requires, which can help create a calorie deficit and contribute to weight loss.
Lowering your BMR can help conserve energy. This can be particularly important if you have a sedentary lifestyle or if you’re trying to conserve energy during periods of limited food availability or illness.
Considering you need to use actions in opposite directions, you must create a point of union and find the perfect match according to your lifestyle.
Increasing your BMR
Your muscle system is the most critical factor regarding BMR. Even if today’s work is mostly sedentary and doesn’t require strength, you must train yourself for your well-being.
Muscles are metabolically active tissues, meaning they require energy to function. A sound muscle system increases your metabolic rate, allowing you to burn more calories even at rest.
Strong muscles help support your skeletal structure, improving your posture and overall stability. This can reduce the risk of injuries, especially in the back, neck, and joints. Regular exercise that targets the muscles also helps stimulate bone growth and increase bone density. This is particularly important for preventing osteoporosis, which leads to weakened and brittle bones.
You do not need to become Hulk Hogan. But having a decent muscle system will energise your container.
There are many other ways to increase your BMR, but increasing lean mass (muscles) is the most effective and beneficial, and it does not conflict with actions that lower your BMR.
Lowering your BMR
Despite you can take several actions to lower your BMR, these actions are mostly concerned with weight control issues. Some of these actions may lead to imbalances of your mind.
Indeed, we are concerned with mind control issues. Everything is in the mind.
For us, the best way to lower your BMR, whether you are fat or slim, is to use meditation sessions.
Once you understand how meditation works, you can do it yourself, everywhere and for free.
Moreover, it is a perfect match with gym and aerobic Training.
A Perfect Formula for your BMR
If your body has no limitations regarding broken legs or similar, we recommend combining 30 minutes of daily meditation with 2-3 times per week aerobic or mixed aerobic/anaerobic training.
You can join a local gym for £10-20 per month and join a training session or ask an instructor for directions.
You can find many subscriptions below £15 per month on the internet. You can train yourself using registered sessions that include classes with a coach and mates, or you can learn a few exercises yourself from the internet and create a sequence you will train with music.
Indeed, the main meditation methods are related to Mindfulness meditation, visualisation meditation and Transcendental meditation.
In brief, in mindfulness meditation you focus your mind on the present, what you are doing, what you are thinking, on your breathing, on your chakras and so on.
Visualisation meditation is when you create virtual enviroments in your head, using your imagination and focus.
Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a technique and form of silent mantra meditation that was developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 1950s. It is a simple, effortless practice that involves sitting comfortably with closed eyes for 20 minutes twice a day while silently repeating a specific mantra.
You can surely adapt your meditation sessions to your needs and feelings, learn it yourself using a trial and error methodology, or find a mentor in your local community and online.
The most important thing is to apply yourself and get used to it.
Volumes and Quality of Blood Plasma impact your Metabolism
We did mention that, unlike adults, kids can use more of their aerobic metabolism, which allows them to be less tired from high-intensity exercise.
Their muscles also recover faster because their bodies don’t produce as much lactic acid as adults.
There has been plenty of research and studies related to plasma, ageing, fatigue, and metabolism in the last decades, and today, more and more studies are showing consistent results. – Old plasma dilution reduces human biological age: a clinical study – The Link Between Energy-Related Sensations and Metabolism: Implications for Treating Fatigue – Age-Related Differences in Plasma Proteins: How Plasma Proteins Change from Neonates to Adults
When lactic acid is produced in the body through anaerobic metabolism (i.e., when there is insufficient oxygen supply), it converts into lactate.
Blood lactate concentrations have traditionally been utilised as an index of exercise intensity or clinical hyperlactatemia. However, more recent data suggests fasting plasma lactate (lactate concentration in the blood plasma) can also indicate the risk for subsequent metabolic disease. – Plasma Lactate as a Marker for Metabolic Health
These studies show more to discover about plasma and its potential to optimise metabolism, especially for elderly people and professionals.
For example, recent studies confirming the plasma potential led professionals to develop a “heat training” methodology to increase plasma volume, thus reducing lactate accumulation in blood and improving the VO2 max (the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilise during intense or maximal exercise) and increase performances.
Considering convalescent plasma therapy was used during the last pandemic, especially in Asia and Italy, this solution is a very interesting idea for bettering health conditions within the same family or even at the community level.
Finally, it makes you understand how you treat your body and how you fuel it could impact the quality of your blood and, thus, the lives of others.
Sometimes, it’s easier to feel more responsible for our actions when our choices impact others than when we think only of ourselves.
The sun is essential for energising our bodies, especially through its role in the production of vitamin D. When sunlight touches our skin, it triggers a reaction that helps our bodies produce vitamin D, which is essential for several bodily functions, including bone health, immune system functioning, and calcium and phosphorous absorption. Vitamin D also plays a key role in regulating mood and supporting mental health.
In addition, exposure to sunlight can help regulate our sleep-wake cycle by influencing the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep patterns. Exposure to sunlight during the day promotes wakefulness and alertness, while lack of sunlight or exposure at night can alter our circadian rhythm and lead to fatigue and drowsiness.
Moreover, sunlight has been found to stimulate the production of serotonin, often referred to as the ‘happy hormone’ because it contributes to feelings of well-being. – Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health – Effect of sunlight exposure on cognitive function among depressed and non-depressed participants: a REGARDS cross-sectional study – The Association between Self-Rated Health Status, Psychosocial Stress, Eating Behaviors, and Food Intake According to the Level of Sunlight Exposure in Korean Adults – Insufficient Sun Exposure Has Become a Real Public Health Problem – Deficiency of sunlight and vitamin D
The benefits of sunlight exposure are much greater than the risks. The issue should be addressed by creating more sun exposure rather than using more supplements because it’s not just about vitamin D levels.
In the UK and other countries, it has been promoted the approach “little and often”. Despite the approach that sounds great, to practice, it becomes more complex, especially in the northern regions, and public awareness still needs to be stimulated, as shown in this study. – Public Awareness and Behaviour in Great Britain in the Context of Sunlight Exposure and Vitamin D: Results from the First Large-Scale and Representative Survey – “The survey suggests that the adult public in Great Britain is much more aware of communications related to the risks of sunlight exposure than its benefits. Somewhat paradoxically, the survey also suggests that public knowledge about sunlight and vitamin D is fairly strong, though not with respect to the detail of the ‘little and often’ approach.” – “In response to these findings, we have suggested that there is a need for greater emphasis on the ‘little and often’ approach in public health communication by charities and government organisations.”
Advancements in technology and awareness did allow the development of tools capable of modifying the weather.
These tools are being implemented in countries with too much sunlight and in countries or regions with not enough sunlight.
Sunny and cloudy spots can be created everywhere using the cloudbuster and Ighina rain-making tools.
The UK is windy, and probably more knowledge is needed to make these tools effective; we list some videos in case someone wants to do more research and development.
Mastering the creation and use of these tools could undoubtedly lead to easier sunlight exposure and help humans energise their containers. – Cloud seeding in UAE – Ighina, the man of the clouds. – Ighina and his simpliest device. – Cloudbuster demo – Cloudbusting saxonia
Happiness is a subjective emotional state of joy, contentment, and fulfilment. It is often associated with positive experiences, relationships, achievements, and a sense of purpose or meaning in life.
Happiness can vary from person to person and can be influenced by various factors such as personal values, cultural norms, individual circumstances, and overall well-being. It is a complex concept studied extensively in psychology and philosophy.
Because it is a subjective emotional state and everything is in your mind, if you train your mind to create virtual universes, you can alter reality and create happiness from what causes you sadness.
The movie “Life is Beautiful” is an excellent example of this concept.
“Endorphins bring an energy you won’t have in a sedentary life. Psychological factors also affect your happiness and energy levels. If you’re not happy and you’re thinking negative thoughts, you can bring yourself down just as if you had a debilitating illness.“ – Life Is Beautiful (Italian: La vita è bella, Italian: [la ˈviːta ˈɛ bˈbɛlla]) is a 1997 Italian comedy-drama film directed by and starring Roberto Benigni, who co-wrote the film with Vincenzo Cerami. During World War II, in 1944 when Northern Italy is occupied by Nazi Germany, Guido, his uncle Eliseo, and Giosuè are seized on Giosuè’s birthday.
“In the camp, Guido hides the true situation from his son. Guido tells Giosuè that the camp is a complicated game in which he must perform the tasks Guido gives him. Each of the tasks will earn them points and whoever gets to one thousand points first will win a tank. He tells him that if he cries, complains that he wants his mother, or says that he is hungry, he will lose points, while quiet boys who hide from the camp guards earn extra points. Giosuè is at times reluctant to go along with the game, but Guido convinces him each time to continue.” – Life Is Beautiful | Official Trailer (HD)
Other than tricking the mind, when difficulties arise, it looks like there are also rules that tend to be objective rather than subjective, like the relationship between happiness with cleanliness and physical activity.
“The study reveals that simply by being in a clean space, 80 percent of people are more relaxed; 60 percent are less stressed; and 72 percent are more productive. Additionally, 72 percent of people sleep better in a clean home and 77 percent can focus better. So treat yo’ cleanly self — grab that Swiffer and go to town” – Regular physical activity was found to be associated with higher levels of happiness, self-esteem, and satisfaction with life – The reciprocal effects of physical activity and happiness in adolescents
Breathing, Career, Building a family, Research, Living- whatever purpose you have, it will be a great purpose until you feel it yours.
Showing How Powering with Atmospheric Electricity Works is a fantastic example!
“Having a sense of purpose was also central to Dunn’s concept of high-level wellness [50]. Contemporary researchers have described purpose as the extent to which individuals experience life as being directed and motivated by valued life goals. Perceived purpose in life (PIL) is the extent to which life is motivated by personally valued goals and life aims. Purpose, along with comprehension (perceived coherence and understanding of their lives) and mattering (feeling their existence is of significance and value in the world), is considered to be a key component of meaning in life [51]. Much like vitality, meaning and purpose are linked to multiple positive health outcomes [52,53,54,55] and healthy lifestyle behaviors [56], independent of demographics, socioeconomic status, personality, prior history of disease, and lifestyle [57].” – Vitality Revisited: The Evolving Concept of Flourishing and Its Relevance to Personal and Public Health
A unique indicator of Wellbeing & Energy levels: Sex
It’s not a taboo anymore; among the top 50 websites visited in the world, there are several adult websites. We can say that humans love watching other people’s intimate moments in their spare time.
We’re not the only animals enjoying sex; there are at least seven other species: dolphins, bonobos, lions, gorillas, macaques, chimpanzees and male sea otters.
There are still people who misunderstand this tool, making it a mark of pride or assuming drugs to perform better instead of focusing on their balance.
Despite the main function of Sex being reproduction, it can be a great source of joy and one of the best indicators of well-being on earth.
Reproduction means creating a new container to host a new consciousness; it represents excellent responsibilities; if you are not ready for that and for several reasons, you cannot take care of children, it’s necessary to know about the contraceptive options available.
But especially for women, knowing your ovulation period and its relationship with your basal body temperature is essential. This can be a 100% free natural contraceptive.
For example, on a 30-day month, your ovulation day is the 12th. Until that day, your basal body temperature is 36.50; after your ovulation, your basal body temperature should rise a bit to 37 degrees or similar. Once you have a couple of days with the basal body temperature at 37, you are free to enjoy sex in whole. This is just an example; you have to take your measurements and discuss them with your doctor. (if you take drugs, it may invalidate this methodology)
It is free, can be enjoyed alone or with a partner, and is a very flexible tool that you can customise as much as you like.
If you consider Sex for amusement, you should know about the relationship between the increasing risks of chronic diseases and the growing number of partners.
Usually, when you are unbalanced, your sex has low performance, and it’s not enjoyable; it should not be time for you to have sex; that’s when you need to figure out what’s wrong in your life. Whether you want to enjoy it yourself or within a couple, this assumption is often valid.
But it’s not just that.
Sex is linked to various aspects of physical, mental, and emotional health.
Physical Health:
Regular sexual activity has been associated with improved cardiovascular health, including lower blood pressure and reduced risk of heart disease.
Engaging in sexual activity can also boost the immune system by increasing the production of antibodies and reducing stress hormones.
Sex can provide a form of exercise, burning calories and promoting better physical fitness.
Mental Health:
Sexual satisfaction has been found to contribute to overall happiness and life satisfaction.
Sexual activity releases endorphins and oxytocin, which are known to promote feelings of pleasure and connection.
Sex can help reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression by releasing tension and promoting relaxation.
Emotional Wellbeing:
Engaging in intimate sexual experiences can strengthen emotional bonds and increase feelings of intimacy and connection within relationships.
Sexual activity has been linked to higher levels of relationship satisfaction and overall wellbeing.
Orgasms can provide a sense of euphoria and emotional release, contributing to positive emotional states.
Having more or less libido is not a reason to be proud or ashamed of. At the same, the size of the genital has nothing to do with sexual satisfaction apart from rare cases.
If your sex drive is low, it may be due to a lack of energy. Thus, you should figure out how to exercise your body and feel better.
“When your energy tank is running on empty, sex gets put on the back burner. Your body prioritises what it needs the most, so it’s no wonder tiredness lowers sex drive. Physical exertion and lack of sleep aren’t the only factors that lead to tiredness.“
Especially within couples, you can harmonise libido using adult movies. Those who have more of it could watch adult movies once a month, and those who have less libido twice a week. (and similar combinations)
At the same, if you get obsessed with sex and your libido is too high, you should consider strategies to harmonise your instincts and feelings.
Being mindful in your everyday activity as much as in your sexual activity may lead to more mental control of ejaculation in men and more intense pleasure feelings in women.
Sex performances could undoubtedly be an overall indicator of one’s level of mindfulness.
Also, Tantra exercises tend to give a spiritual touch to sexual pleasures, making the whole thing more engaging and meaningful.
It’s important to note that individual experiences and contexts can vary, and not everyone may find sex to be a significant contributor to their overall wellbeing. Factors such as personal values, cultural beliefs, relationship dynamics, and individual preferences can influence the impact of sex on wellbeing. Additionally, it’s essential to prioritise safe and consensual sexual practices for both physical and emotional health.
Finally, it’s very important to note that sex and adult movies can be addictive for several reasons:
1. Dopamine release: Engaging in sexual activities or watching pornography releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. Dopamine reinforces the behaviour, making individuals more likely to seek it again to experience that pleasurable feeling, leading to addiction.
2. Escapism: Some individuals may use sex or pornography as a way to escape from stress, anxiety, or other negative emotions. This can create a cycle where they rely on these activities to cope with problems, leading to addiction.
3. Availability and accessibility: The internet has made pornographic material readily accessible, making it easier for someone to develop an addiction. The constant availability of online content can lead to excessive consumption and compulsive behaviours.
4. Tolerance and withdrawal: Over time, individuals may develop a tolerance to the effects of sex or pornography and require increasingly explicit or novel experiences to achieve the same level of satisfaction. When attempts are made to stop or reduce the behaviour, withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, restlessness, and cravings can occur, further reinforcing the addiction.
5. Psychological factors: Underlying psychological issues like low self-esteem, relationship problems, or trauma can contribute to the development of a sex or pornography addiction. These activities may provide temporary relief from these issues, leading to reliance and addiction.
Please consider while some individuals may engage in these activities regularly without experiencing addiction, others may have a predisposition or vulnerability that makes them more susceptible. Addiction is a complex condition influenced by various biological, psychological, and environmental factors.
Please note that we are not a substitute for your doctor, acupuncturist or medical advisor. Everything reported here or with external links should be discussed with your doctor.
Mindfulness and Energy levels
Everything is in the mind.
Mindfulness practices will help you feel more energised by reducing stress and promoting focus and clarity.
Mindfulness is the ability to control one’s thoughts, stop them, and direct one’s attention where it is needed most.
It’s the ability to be present anytime and to watch after your addictions so to prevent them from being overwhelming.
Mindfulness means understanding what triggers your pride and what triggers your illusions. – Mindfulness and Behavior Change – Mindfulness-based interventions: an overall review – Believing in the Powers of Mindfulness: A Thematic Narrative Approach and the Development of a New Scale – Mindfulness for Children With ADHD and Mindful Parenting (MindChamp): A Qualitative Study on Feasibility and Effects
Mindfulness practices include:
0.Meditation: This practice involves focusing your attention on a specific object, such as your breath or a mantra, to develop concentration and calmness.
1. Body scan: This technique involves systematically scanning your body from head to toe, paying attention to any sensations or areas of tension.
2. Mindful eating: Paying attention to the colors, smells, tastes, and textures of your food, and fully engaging in the experience of eating without distractions.
3. Walking meditation: Practicing awareness while walking, paying attention to each step, the movement of your body, and the sensations in your feet and legs.
4. Loving-kindness meditation: Cultivating feelings of love, compassion, and kindness towards oneself and others through guided meditation practices.
5. Mindful breathing: Focusing on your breath as it moves in and out of your body, using it as an anchor for your attention during moments of stress or anxiety.
6. Daily gratitude practice: Taking time each day to reflect on and appreciate the positive aspects of your life, fostering a sense of gratitude and contentment.
7. Mindful communication: Paying attention to your words, tone, and body language when interacting with others, cultivating empathy and deepening connections.
8. Mindful observation: Engaging in activities such as nature walks or art appreciation, where you observe the details and beauty of your surroundings without judgment or analysis.
9. Mindful self-compassion: Treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance, especially during difficult times, and practicing self-care.
The more your mind is passive towards an addiction, the more you deplete your energy.
The more you deplete your energy, the more you deplete your container: the first gift you received from the universe.