

When you want to create joint solutions for the community, you always have to think about the right balance. It may take time, but sometimes, if you don’t start a process, it will never begin.

There are three main challenges:

1. Information Asymmetry

It is tough to understand each other. Everyone has different abilities and inclinations. Only some people have the patience to investigate the accuracy of the information they receive from the media or the internet. Finally, somebody can perceive the same information very differently depending on the preparation of one individual compared to another. Bridging differences and information gaps between the community may take time and effort.

2. Awareness Asymmetry

Everyone has a different level of awareness of themselves and the real world. It is not just a matter of cultural background. Everyone’s perceptions may be in a permanently altered state as a result of trauma, mental illness or particularly unfavourable situations. We have to face these situations together.

3. Current Habits

Statistics show that 45% of the homeless population incur mental illnesses. Compared to the other people, where the percentage dropped to 25%. Is it possible that this difference comes with becoming homeless instead of being a standard prerequisite for homelessness? We thought of the HFR as a prevention tool. Once you have hit rock bottom, you will still have a base from which to start again without anyone being obsessed with looking for money. We imagined the WPU to have a cultural and psychological value. It will be easier to reconnect with society, and everyone, working on their power of attraction, will be able to do introspection work on themselves. Many of us will have to change our current habits. It will not be immediate.